Preparing young people to become independent and supporting them to move on is all part of the journey here at Bridging the Gap.

Part of their Life Skills at Bridging the Gap concentrates on the importance of a young person understanding a tenancy agreement and what’s involved in maintaining, managing and being successful in holding a tenancy.

We are located in a lovely conservation area near Gillingham Park in Medway and benefit from excellent local and transport facilities. We are in a prime location which gives us easy access to London, Maidstone and Canterbury.

We teach the importance of being a good neighbour and how these skills are transferable throughout a young person’s journey.

At Bridging the Gap we provide different levels of accommodation, this starts from 24/7 Supported Accommodation, this is where we like young people to start their journey with us so we can assess their skills and prepare for independence.

We also offer move-on services to help young people find and maintain their own independent accommodation, as well as floating support in our more independent accommodation settings.